Pumerantz Library F.A.Q. and Searchable Knowledge Base
You may go to the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations from the Pumerantz Library's Electronic Resources page. If you cannot find it in that resource, you may submit a request through ILLiad. If we cannot get the dissertation through Interlibrary Loan, you can purchase it through Dissertation Express.
If you are looking for a dissertation written by a WesternU student from 2012 or later, you can try looking in ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses @ Western University of Health Sciences or our Digital Collection on CONTENTdm.
We also have some dissertations in print in the library. You can search our Online Catalog for a certain title.
Dissertation Express
The dissertations you need can be ordered, paid for, and picked up at the Pumerantz Library. For more information please contact the library at (909) 469-5323.
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